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NeWest Press

Books from this publisher

Five Moves of Doom

by (author) A.J. Devlin


by (author) Garry Ryan

Friendly Fire

by (author) Lisa Guenther

Ghosts in a Photograph

A Chronicle

by (author) Myrna Kostash


by (author) Garry Ryan

Goth Girls of Banff

by (author) John O'Neill

Grayling Cross

by (author) Gayleen Froese

Herbert Has Lots For a Buck

How 12 Small Prairie Towns Reinvented Themselves for the 21st Century

by (author) Elizabeth McLachlan

Hold Your Tongue

by (author) Matthew Tétreault


My Time Undercover on the Granville Strip

by (author) Norm Boucher

House of Spells

by (author) Robert Pepper-Smith

Hunger Moon


by (author) Traci Skuce

I (Athena)

by (author) Ruth Dyckfehderau

Image Decay

by (author) Mark Lisac

In Veritas

by (author) C.J. Lavigne

Incident at Willow Creek

by (author) Don Hunter

Indiana Pulcinella

by (author) Garry Ryan

Last Tide

by (author) Andy Zuliani

Light on a Part of the Field

by (author) Kevin Holowack

Lost Animal Club

by (author) Kevin A. Couture

Love at Last Sight

by (author) Thea Bowering

Lullabies in the Real World

by (author) Meredith Quartermain


by (author) Garry Ryan


by (author) Garry Ryan


The Elephant Play

by (author) Conni Massing


by (author) Wendi Stewart

Memory Serves

by (author) Lee Maracle

Molly of the Mall

Literary Lass & Purveyor of Fine Footwear

by (author) Heidi L.M. Jacobs

Moon Honey

by (author) Suzette Mayr

Mountain Blues

by (author) Sean Arthur Joyce

Murder in the Chilcotin

by (author) Roy Innes

My True and Complete Adventures as a Wannabe Voyageur

by (author) Phyllis Rudin

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