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Athabasca University Press

Books from this publisher

How to Read Like You Mean It

by (author) Kyle Conway

Icon, Brand, Myth

The Calgary Stampede

edited by Max Foran


by (author) Patrick Grant


A Conversation about Storytelling

by (author) Joshua Whitehead
with Angie Abdou

Letters from the Lost

A Memoir of Discovery

by (author) Helen Waldstein Wilkes

Liberalism, Surveillance, and Resistance

Indigenous communities in Western Canada, 1877-1927

by (author) Keith D. Smith

Light from Ancient Campfires

Archaeological Evidence for Native Lifeways on the Northern Plains

by (author) Trevor R. Peck

Little Wet-Paint Girl

by (author) Ouanessa Younsi
translated by Rebecca L. Thompson

Making Game

An Essay on Hunting, Familiar Things, and the Strangeness of Being Who One Is

by (author) Peter L. Atkinson

Man Proposes, God Disposes

Recollections of a French Pioneer

by (author) Pierre Maturié
translated by Vivien Bosley
introduction by Robert Wardhaugh

Memory and Landscape

Indigenous Responses to a Changing North

edited by Kenneth L. Pratt & Scott A. Heyes

Metaphors of Ed Tech

by (author) Martin Weller

Mind, Body, World

Foundations of Cognitive Science

by (author) Michael R.W. Dawson

Mission Life in Cree-Ojibwe Country

Memories of a Mother and Son

by (author) Elizabeth Bingham Young & E. Ryerson Young
edited by Jennifer S.H. Brown

Mobile Learning

Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training

edited by Mohamed Ally

More Moments in Time

Images of Exemplary Nursing

by (author) Beth Perry

My Decade at Old Sun, My Lifetime of Hell

by (author) Arthur Bear Chief
afterword by Frits Pannekoek
preface by Judy Bedford

Nightwood Theatre

A Woman’s Work Is Always Done

by (author) Shelley Scott

Northern Love

An exploration of Canadian Masculinity

by (author) Paul Nonnekes

Not Hockey

Critical Essays on Canada’s Other Sport Literature

edited by Angie Abdou & Jamie Dopp

Of Sunken Islands and Pestilence

Restoring the Voice of Edward Taylor Fletcher to Nineteenth-Century Canadian Literature

edited by James Gifford
by (author) Edward Taylor Fletcher

Online Distance Education

Towards a Research Agenda

edited by Olaf Zawacki-Richter & Terry Anderson

Our Union

UAW/CAW Local 27 from 1950 to 1990

by (author) Jason Russell

Poems for a Small Park

by (author) E.D. Blodgett

Political Economy of Workplace Injury in Canada

by (author) Bob Barnetson


by (author) E.D. Blodgett
translated by Marzia Paton
by (artist) Robert Kessner

Principles of Blended Learning

Shared Metacognition and Communities of Inquiry

by (author) Norman D. Vaughan, Deborah Dell, Martha Cleveland-Innes & D. Randy Garrison

Public Deliberation on Climate Change

Lessons from Alberta Climate Dialogue

edited by Lorelei L. Hanson
contributions by David Kahane

Racism in Southern Alberta and Anti-racist Activism for Change

edited by Caroline Hodes & Glenda Tibe Bonifacio

Reading Vincent van Gogh

A Thematic Guide to the Letters

by (author) Patrick Grant


Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands

edited by Sarah Carter & Patricia A. McCormack

Reel Time

Movie Exhibitors and Movie Audiences in Prairie Canada, 1896 to 1986

by (author) Robert M. Seiler & Tamara P. Seiler

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