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Theatre in Atlantic Canada

edited by Linda Burnett

series edited by Ric Knowles

Playwrights Canada Press
Initial publish date
May 2010
Drama, Anthologies (multiple authors), Canadian
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Mermaid Theatre: The Mythic Dimension by Donna E. Smyth (1978)
On the Edge: Michael Cook's Newfoundland Trilogy by Brian Parker (1980)
The Political Dramaturgy of the Mummers Troupe by Alan Filewod (1987)
Not Leaving Home: Growing up Artistically in Atlantic Canada by Bryden MacDonald (1990/91)
The Subjects of Salt-Water Moon by Robert Nunn (1991)
AnOther Story: Women's Dramaturgy and the Circulation of Cultural Values at Mulgrave Road by Ric Knowles (1995)
On the Margins: Eastern Canadian Theatre as Post-colonialist Discourse by Mary Elizabeth Smith (1996)
Too Distant Voices: The Publishing of Dramatic Texts in the Maritimes by Bruce Barton (1999)
Icycle: New Languages. Newfoundland's Artistic Fraud Creates New Languages for Theatre, New Languages for Icebergs by Denyse Lynde (2003)
Cultural Evolution in Newfoundland Theatre: The Rise Of The Gros Morne Theatre Festival by Michael Devine (2004)
Afro-Gynocentric Darwinism in the Drama of George Elroy Boyd by George Elliott Clarke (2004)
from "God of the Whiteman! God of the Indian! God Al-fucking-mighty!": The Residential School Legacy in Two Canadian Plays by Jerry Wasserman (2005)
TheatrePEI: The Emergence and Development of a Local Theatre by George Belliveau, Josh Weale, Graham Lea (2005)
Building Bridges: English & French Theatre in New Brunswick by Glen Nichols (2005)
Can I Get a Witness? Performing Community in African-Nova Scotian Theatre by Maureen Moynagh (2006)
Crossing the River: Zuppa Circus's Penny Dreadful by Roberta Barker (2008)
On the Edge of the Eastern World: John Barlow's Inspiration Point and Atlantic Canadian Aboriginal Theatre by Len Falkenstein (2010)

Critical Perspectives on Canadian Theatre in English sets out to make the best critical and scholarly work in the field readily available. The series publishes the work of scholars and critics who have traced the coming-into-prominence of a vibrant theatrical community in English Canada.

About the authors

Linda Burnett received her Ph.D. from McGill University. She currently teaches at Algoma University. Her research focuses on the theatre of Atlantic Canada, feminism and tragedy, and the works of Margaret Cavendish.

Linda Burnett's profile page

Ric Knowles is of anglo-Scottish heritage, and is Professor of Theatre Studies at the University of Guelph, editor of Canadian Theatre Review, and past editor of Modern Drama (1999â??2005). He is author of The Theatre of Form and the Production of Meaning, Shakespeare and Canada, and Reading the Material Theatre, co-author (with the Cultural Memory Group) of Remembering Women Murdered by Men, editor of Theatre in Atlantic Canada, Judith Thompson, and The Masks of Judith Thompson, and co-editor (with Joanne Tompkins and W.B.Worthen) of Modern Drama: Defining the Field. He is general editor of the book series Critical Perspectives on Canadian Theatre in English and New Essays on Canadian Theatre from Playwrights Canada Press.

Ric Knowles' profile page