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Last But Not Least

A Guide to Proofreading Text

by (author) Leslie Vermeer

Brush Education
Initial publish date
Dec 2023
Editing & Proofreading
Author lives in Alberta

WCAG level AA

All non-decorative content supports reading without sight

WCAG v2.2

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Epub Accessibility Specification 1.1

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Accessibility summary:
In this book, formatting that is necessary to meaning is described with screen-reader-accessible text. The same is true of punctuation in the body text. For the best experience of this book and its exercises, screen reader users must use an application that allows them to occasionally read character by character. This book also contains images of fixed text layouts; all images of text are accompanied by user-manipulable extended descriptions that include the images’ full text.

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Single logical reading order

Next / Previous structural navigation

Full alternative textual descriptions

Short alternative textual descriptions

  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Dec 2023
    List Price

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Systematic, practical, complete — an essential resource for anyone who works with words

Proofreaders are like goalkeepers: the last line of defence against mistakes that slip past their hard-working teammates. While proofreading is obviously not the only important job in the writing process, it is a necessary one — last, but definitely not least.

The best proofreaders know that efficient and precise proofreading requires more than grammatical and mechanical expertise. It requires focus, sensitivity, self-awareness, almost saintly patience, and — importantly — a thorough understanding of the core responsibilities and processes of the proofreader. To be a great proofreader, you need to learn to think like one.

Last But Not Least takes you beyond the basics of punctuation and grammar and into the nuts and bolts of how proofreaders think and work. This combination reference and workbook is a go-to guide for novice proofreaders and seasoned professionals alike. Includes grammar and punctuation primers, as well as 25 exercises to sharpen your skills.

About the author

Leslie Vermeer, PhD, is a writer, editor, reviewer, and professor who holds master’s degrees in English and education. Leslie has worked in publishing for more than twenty-five years, having edited or worked on more than one hundred books to date, and has served as a juror on a number of writing, editing, and publishing awards. Leslie teaches at Grant MacEwan University, where her focus includes editing, grammar, print studies, and communication theory.

Leslie Vermeer's profile page