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Ethics in Action

Personal Reflections of Canadian Psychologists

edited by M.A. Suzie Bisson, Carole Sinclair & Ivana Djuraskovic

University of Calgary Press
Initial publish date
May 2024
Practice Management

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    Publish Date
    May 2024
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Psychologists face ethical and cultural intricacies in their work on a daily basis. Psychology graduate training and continuing education programs often focus mainly on common ethical issues and mainstream psychological services and settings. Although this provides a wealth of valuable information, it also necessary to look beyond the usual and mainstream.


Ethics in Action brings together thirty-four psychologists and eight collaborating professionals from allied disciplines, including nursing, social work, emergency services, and veterinary medicine, to share wisdom gained from facing ethical questions in real-world practice. These knowledgeable contributors share their experiences working with new Canadians, religious minorities, Indigenous communities, and more. They address issues of self-care, teamwork, collaboration, and interprofessional practice. They share the challenges that can arise when working within long-term care facilities, rural settings, equine-therapy settings, academia, and with people in unique circumstances.


Structured around the four ethical principles that form the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists, this book goes far beyond the basics, building awareness of the many complex and varied ethical issues practitioners may face. Each chapter includes reflection questions, challenging readers to better understand themselves and to prepare them to respond to complicated situations from an ethical perspective.

About the authors

M. A. Suzie Bisson is a Canadian military veteran and registered counselling psychologist who practices in a solo private clinic in Alberta. She devotes her time to providing mental health services to people of all ages who struggle with the impact of trauma.

M.A. Suzie Bisson's profile page

Carole Sinclair is an independent scholar and a retired clinical child psychologist with over forty years’ experience in the field. She is a member and former chair of the Canadian Psychological Association Committee on Ethics, and a key contributor to the development of the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists/em.

Carole Sinclair's profile page

Ivana Djuraskovic is a registered counselling psychologist who practices in both public and private sectors and teaches graduate level courses at two universities. She has presented at national and international conferences, and has published book chapters and scientific journal articles

Ivana Djuraskovic's profile page