University of Calgary Press
Books from this publisher

A Business History of Alberta

A Common Hunger
Land Rights in Canada and South Africa

A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North
Terrestrial Sovereignty, 1870-1939

A History of the Edmonton City Market 1900-2000
Urban Values and Urban Culture

A New Era for Wolves and People
Wolf Recovery, Human Attitudes, and Policy

Adventures in Small Tourism
Studies and Stories

The History of a Homestead

Alliance and Conflict
The World System of the Iñupiaq Eskimos

Always an Adventure
An Autobiography

An Inside Look at External Affairs During the Trudeau Years
The Memoirs of Mark MacGuigan

As Long As This Land Shall Last
A History of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, 1870-1939

Baffin Island
Field Research and High Arctic Adventure, 1961-67

Bedside and Community
50 Years of Contributions to the Health of Albertans from the University of Calgary

Biocultural Diversity and Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Human Ecology in the Arctic

Blackfoot Ways of Knowing
The Worldview of the Siksikaitsitapi

Blue Storm
The Rise and Fall of Jason Kenney

Border Flows
A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship

Borderblur Poetics
Intermedia and Avant-Gardism in Canada, 1963-1988

Breaking Ice
Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North

Bronze Inside and Out
A Biographical Memoir of Bob Scriver

City of Animals

Canada's Legal Pasts
Looking Foreward, Looking Back

Canadian Indian Cowboys in Australia
Representation, Rodeo, and the RCMP at the Royal Easter Show, 1939

Challenging Frontiers
The Canadian West

China's Arctic Ambitions and What They Mean for Canada

Climate Justice and Participatory Research
Building Climate-Resilient Commons

Coded Territories
Tracing Indigenous Pathways in New Media Art

Cover and Uncover
Eric Cameron

Creating the Future of Health
The History of the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, 1967-2012

Creative Tourism in Smaller Communities
Place, Culture, and Local Representation

Crossing Over
Genomics in the Public Arena

Cultural Memories and Imagined Futures
The Art of Jane Ash Poitras