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Poetry and Prose from Nova Scotia Writers

edited by E. Alex Pierce

Boularderie Island Press
Initial publish date
Oct 2018
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A unique anthology featuring the work of Nova Scotia poets and fiction writers based on the Aubade.

The aubade — a dawn song expressing the regret of parting lovers at daybreak. The earliest European examples date from the end of the 12th century (the Provençal and German equivalents are alba and tagalied.) Some scholars believe that the aubade, which has no fixed metrical form, grew out of the cry of the medieval watchman, who announced from his tower the passing of night and return of day… Whatever its origin, the aubade is found in nearly all early poetries. Its poignancy crosses cultures. This anthology will expand the definition to include works from the narrative genres as well: fiction and essays.

About the author

E. Alex Pierce, author of Vox Humana, lives in East Sable River, Nova Scotia. She conducts manuscript review workshops throughout Canada, and is Senior Editor at Boularderie Island Press. Pierce holds an MFA from Warren Wilson College and for ten years taught Creative Writing at Cape Breton University. Her work has been widely anthologized and published in literary journals. Her most recent publications are Aubade: Poetry and Prose from Nova Scotia Writers (Editor) and Salt and Wild: Shelburne County Anthology (Co-editor).

E. Alex Pierce's profile page