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Carol Anderson

Carol Anderson has pursued a diverse career as a dancer, choreographer, teacher, director and dance writer. Her writing includes numerous articles on Canadian dance, the biography Judy Jarvice Dance Artist: A Portrait (1993), a look at Canadian dance near the millennium entitled Chasing the Tale of Contemporary Dance (1999), and This Passion: For the Love of Dance (1998), an anthology of original Canadian dance writing that she compiled and edited. Her most recent book is Unfold: A Portrait of Peggy Baker (Dance Collection Danse Press/Presse 2008). Anderson is a former artistic director of Toronto's Dancemakers, of which she was a founding member. She has danced for over twenty years and continues to teach, choreograph, and perform selectively. Born in New York City, Joysanne Sidimus studied under George Balanchine at the School of American Ballet, subsequently joining the choreographer's New York City Ballet. She later performed as a Soloist with London's Festival Ballet and as a Principal Dancer with Pennsylvania Ballet and The National Ballet of Canada.
Joysanne Sidimus is the founder of the Dancer Transition Resource Centre as well as the founding Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Artists' Health Centre Foundation, which created the Artists' Health Centre, a comprehensive health care facility for artists at Toronto Western Hospital, and the Project Director of the Senior Artists' Research Project, examining the difficulties faced by Canada's senior artists. In 2003, she was awarded the Governor General's Meritorious Service Medal. In 2006, Ms. Sidimus received the Governor General's Performing Arts Award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement.

Books by Carol Anderson