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by (author) Gayleen Froese

NeWest Press
Initial publish date
Dec 2005
General, General, Literary
Author lives in Alberta
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    Publish Date
    Dec 2005
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Anna Gareau has a secret. Unwanted visions of strangers' lives haunt her when she touches certain objects. What she wants most is a normal life but Anna is far from normal. Travelling through Victoria, BC, Anna gets an unwelcome glimpse into a murderer's mind. She meets Colette Kostyna and senses Colette may be the next victim. Caught between her desire for self-preservation and her knowledge that she may be the only one who can expose the killer and save Colette, Anna is drawn deeper into a dark and gruesome world. Should Anna use her visions to solve the case, or should she keep her hands in her pockets?

About the author

The multi-talented Gayleen Froese is a novelist, musician, and communications professional. Having lived in Saskatoon, Toronto, and Prince Albert, she now resides in Edmonton's historic Alberta Avenue district. She has also worked as a radio writer and talk show host, an advertising creative director, and a communications officer.

Froese was featured on Canadian Learning Television's A Total Write Off, and was the overall winner of BookTelevision's 3-Day Novel Contest, filmed over three days in 2007 at an Edmonton Chapters bookstore. She was also shortlisted in the overall 2007 International Three-Day Novel Contest. Her non-fiction and humour writing has appeared in publications including SEE Magazine, The Rat Creek Press, and The Session.

As a musician, Froese has released three albums and played showcases across Canada, including Toronto’s NXNE. Her debut CD, Obituary, won an Undiscovered Artist Award from CBC Radio.

Gayleen Froese's first novel, Touch, is part of the NeWest Nunatak First Fiction Series. The book’s sequel, Grayling Cross, was released by NeWest in March 2011.

Gayleen Froese's profile page