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A Woman of Valour

The Biography of Marie-Louise Bouchard Labelle

by (author) Claire Trépanier

Athabasca University Press
Initial publish date
Apr 2010
Women, Religious, Love & Romance, General
Author lives in Ontario , About Ontario , About Quebec
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    Publish Date
    Apr 2010
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A Woman of Valour is the biography of Marie-Louise Bouchard Labelle, a French-Canadian woman who found love with a priest thirty-three years her senior. Against all social convention, they lived, produced three children, and built a life together after fleeing their village.However, after several years together, Bouchard’s husband ultimately chose to return to the priesthood, abandoning his family as a result. Through interviews and documentation, Claire Trépanier tells Bouchard’s story of survival while highlighting the history of women’s stature in Canada, and raising a question about the celibacy of Catholic priests.

About the author

Claire Trépanier habite à Ottawa depuis 1973. Ses expériences professionnelles en enseignement et en développement international, l'ont amenée à côtoyer des individus de multiples pays et nourri son intérêt pour le vécu et les divers modes de vie des gens de la planète. Maintenant à la retraite, Trépanier écrit à plein temps. Ce premier livre reflète son admiration pour l'endurance, l'esprit dynamique et le courage indomptable des femmes.

Claire Trépanier's profile page